Report a Claim
Need to Report a Claim?
Experiencing an accident or loss can be stressful. One of the major advantages of being a BPA client is access to our claims expertise. We can help guide you through the claim process from start to finish. We have a former claims adjuster on staff who can advocate on your behalf with the insurance company.
Not sure if you should report a claim? Call us! We can discuss the scenario with you and determine if it would be to your benefit to report it to the company. We can give you a good idea what to expect and what documentation might be required by the company.
Call Us for assistance
Call Us for assistance
Our in-house claim specialists:

David Scott
Claims Manager/Personal and
Commercial Account Manager
Company Claim Departments:

Adirondack Insurance Exchange/NatGen Insurance
P.O. Box 50
Buffalo, NY 14240-0050
(800) 468-3466

Cincinnati Insurance Company
P.O. Box 145496
Cincinnati, OH 45250-5496
(877) 242-2544

Travelers Insurance Company
One Tower Square
Hartford, CT 06183
(800) 252-4633

Philadelphia Insurance Company
231 Saint Asaph’s Road, Suite 100
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
(800) 765-9749

Dryden Mutual Insurance Company
P.O. Box 635
Dryden, NY 13053-0635
(800) 724-0560

New York Central Mutual
1899 Central Plaza East
Edmeston, NY 13335
(877) 425-2467

Progressive Insurance Company
6300 Wilson Mills Road
Mayfield Village, OH 44143
(800) 274-4499